The New York Times reported yesterday on three women and their individual efforts in the electoral process on the behalf of voters in the State of Georgia ( please read link attached). This blog will not detail each woman and their unique roles in the process but I hope this blog will speak to process and the efforts to curtail our democracy under the banner of who is a legitimate voter and what current behaviors are inciting. The story highlights what appears to be an attempt to suppress Black votes by overwhelming the Chatham County (Savannah) voter registration office with challenges. These challenges are backed by recently passed Georgia laws that allow for the contesting of voter registrations. The challengers are known as the Nerds. The challenge is based on Georgia's newly passed "voter integrity" law, which allows any registered voter to file an unlimited number of challenges. Previously, Georgians were limited to challenging up to 10 registered voters per year. This is where the problem arises: the efforts of the group known as the "Nerds" have exceeded reasonable limits, overwhelming the voter registration office.
In June, 20,000 names were submitted to Chatham County for challenge. the New York Times notes 85% of those challenged are African-Americans.The article notes, ironically, that while the stated goal is to make voting fair, the effort is clearly aimed at disenfranchising Black voters who are college students, the homeless, and historically marginalized —those who have a history of racist behavior now disguised as administrative incompetence.
Why is that? How can one say voter suppression is not about race it is and it is a concerted effort by a few racist with a clear political agenda.Georgia is a swing state. The Nerds’ strategy is a calculated and deceitful tactic, falsely presented in the name of fairness and integrity. There is no integrity in this approach—it's just another method of disenfranchisement, no different from poll taxes, literacy tests, or gerrymandering. Instead of intimidating voters with white robes, torches, ropes, and guns, they are now overwhelming the administrative system, casting doubt on its legitimacy and competence—all based on the original lie that the election was stolen.
Note: Chatham County (Savannah, Ga) is the home of United States Senator R. Warnock!